With the end of the pandemic comes the reforming of our volunteers. We found there are too many jobs around our parish grounds that cannot be accomplished with just one or two people. There are plenty of ways to get you plugged in and serving in the way you enjoy doing it most, by joining one of our teams! Contact Fr. Grodi at [email protected] for more information.
We have beautiful parish grounds that could use a few extra hands here and there. If you've got a green thumb and would like to be part of our team that weeds, plants, spruces up, and maintains our gardens, then this would be the job for you!
Built by parishioners for parishioners. We have a parish campus with a lot of great facilities and the potential is even greater. The Buildings & Grounds Committee will give advice and perspective to the pastor about the best use of our buildings and grounds.
Our church was built by parishioners and it's up to our parishioners to keep it beautiful and well-maintained. The Chapel Care & Beauty Team will share the work of coordinating flowers throughout the year, decorating the church for various feasts and liturgical seasons, and some vacuuming and dusting to make sure our spiritual home is clean and fresh!
Saint Benedict said, "All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me." In these days of reopening and reconnecting, it is more important than ever to be intentional about the ministry of hospitality. The hospitality team will serve primarily at Weekend Masses and at special events to make sure that everyone is welcomed to our parish community. Sunday tasks include greeting before Mass, taking up the collection during Offertory, and passing out bulletins after Mass. A large number of volunteers would be ideal.
"Come, let us sing to the Lord!" It's so good to have hymnals back in our pews and a congregation full of song. In this time of new beginnings, we'd love to put together a small parish choir with members of our permanent community. The goal at first will be to sing as a choir at Mass once a month as well as on Christmas and Easter. You can reach out to our Director of Music Nick de la Torre at [email protected] for more information.