Our community is blessed to have a St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry that is designated to assisting the less fortunate in our community by feeding those in need. If you would like to donate nonperishable food items, they may be brought to Mass each Sunday or they may be dropped off at the Parish Office during office hours.
Tuesday | Thursday
Patrons may visit the food pantry once a month for assistance
Nonperishable Food Items
Toiletry items
Laundry detergent
Small Handmade items (i.e. hats, scarves, blankets, etc.)
All are invited to contact our Coordinator to volunteer at the food pantry for at least an hour at a time. You can also help with food drives and the transportation of food from Food Banks in Toledo monthly. Monetary donations are always accepted, and checks can be made payable directly to St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. You may drop of cash or check donations at the St. Thomas More office or in the collection basket on the weekends.
You can also give by purchasing Pisanellos Pizza Coupons. It is the ongoing fundraiser for the food pantry. The coupons are on sale in the Parish Office. The cost of a coupon is $4.00 and you get a 7" two-item pizza. This is a fabulous value! Please contact the parish office if you have any questions.
You can reach out for more information to St. Tom's office at 419.352.7555 during their hours of operation or email [email protected] at any time.
If further/financial assistance is needed, please contact the WAM offices at 419.352.1322
"Every year, we give food to over 1,000 families which included almost 4,000 individuals. Everyone is welcome to join in our effort to feed the hungry in our Bowling Green community."
Mary Jane, Volunteer